Monday, September 8, 2014

The beginning of solids

Baby Food. This has become a big new obsession and time consumer for me. I thought making food for me and my husband was enough of a time suck. Welcome to life beyond breastfeeding! Arlo loves food, all kinds, all the time. He would be attached to my boob all day if he could and then maybe chomp on some other snacks in between. When people say that you will know when a baby is full I have to laugh a bit because I have never seen him turn down food. So I have decided to start documenting my escapades in baby food making. What I have learned:
- Use food that you are already eating
- Steam or boil fruits in water
 - Blend mixes
 - Use fun stuff like cinnamon and use coconut oil to add in a little bit more fat (maybe he'll sleep longer, please gawd)
 - Freeze in ice cube trays then transport to zips so your not spending your whole life making baby food

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