Mon o mon. There are some funny people out there. I work 2 days at a little ski shop hidden in a small enclave right off a ski run. Within this 20 hours of work lays much laughter in just the observations of people and the way they act when they are on vacation. The guy I work with calls them "muppets"///// Yes. Aren't we all muppets sometimes? Sometimes I wish I could be more of a muppet. What genius characters those were.
Much laughter is created through the joy I do get out of those purely seinfled esque moments. You know the ones. Where you catch someone doing something ridiculous and so silly that you notice it and it makes you sit back and think "wow". "Is that guy really gonna carry his skis like that?....uh uh. Oh yeah he is". It really just brings me joy if people are being themselves. Which is one of the most refreshing things you can do in the world. Because in peoples truest moments, when they dont think or notice anyone looking is where the best human observation moments occur and truth speaks between the lines. When someone wears a full piece purple ski suit from 1982 I feel like I love them. We all live in our bubbles but it is those random encounters with other people who live in their bubbles that we all pop. There is a unity within all of our diverse characteristics, flaws, philosophies that people watching must bring out in even the most cynical of us. I interact everyday with these people from halfway across the world or halfway across the state. They all come to one place to convene and to partake in vacation like activities. Most all of them live a life very different from mine and extremely unique to their own physical location and upbringing. Somedays these people may annoy the shit out of me, sometimes they say things so nonchalantly that I wish I could write a whole comedy skit about, and sometimes they are in and out so quick kind of like these thoughts.
And off we go. Like particles in the sky, like muppets on the road, like fingers on the keyboard. I enjoy these encounters with people wherever I am and know that being in tune with other people in all of there weird glory can get me through any frustrating day and bring a shining light of hilarious to any situation.
if there is one thing that we really share it is these observations of humour of the everyday. we did not get it from m&d, we kind of just came up w/ it on our own.
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