Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Waiting for the birth of baby

Wishing, waiting,
bearing down.
Full and close to capacity as I wait to birth my first born baby.  A nine month process culminating right under my nose in this miraculous body I do hold tight a small curled up little babe.  Who is it, when is it?  I find the last few weeks to be an interesting time of patience, reality, and haziness.  A time of strong emotions of just wanting to hold this little one and look it in the eyes while bam(!) all the surges of energy and love comes flooding into us.  Then the other emotions of anticipating the birth, the whole experience leading up to the baby being with us and all the intensity, the uncertainity, the adventure.  Wondering what my story will be and how it will all occur.

Pregnancy has been a bit of a walk in the park for me I must say humbly as I have glided through with this healthy glow of "everything is wonderful" radiance and not fallen into the trap of complaining, pain or complications.  This is beyond, of course, all of the random shit I have put myself through unbeknownst to this little fuzzers inside,  such as traveling for much of my first trimester, including 2 weeks on a bouncing sailboat (no sea sickness- thank you ocean gods) and then running around all my second trimester trying to keep up with the active Colorado nature and honing in on saving acorns for the big shift,  to then spending my 3rd trimester packing up my home, moving thousands of miles away with no real plan or place to live to a big intimidating place.  Now here we are like it was all meant to be..... settled in a bungalow with a red door, a nice swatch of grass out front with 2 adriondack chairs perfectly placed under a willowy tree, our selenite crystal lighting up the forefront of our living room, and the breeze filtering through open windows on a perfectly breezy 61 degree California day.

We have taken this baby on a little ride as it has definitely taken us on one as well.  This is only the start of that as I see this addition shifting our consciousness beyond this phase.  I know we will choose different paths because of it and our lives will end up in all sorts of random places like in treehouses or motivating to make bigger social changes in our world.  Right now it is all an open book still waiting to be drawn upon.  Right now I am just really pregnant and trying my hardest to be patient and trust in the right timing all while feeling groggy and restless.  Such a small notch in time awaiting an arrival and slowly waving goodbye to the departure of a different version of myself from the past as this awakens seeds of great change.