Fall makes you aware again. Aware of where you are, where the hell your going, what the heck you have been doing for the last 4 months, 1 year, whole life or whatever frame of time you may be working with. It hit me quickly about a week and a half ago. I had just came back from Denver after finishing our last large bundle order of the Summer and then completing the film project we had been working on for the upcoming Nepsa awards. In the moment, rollerblading around town, wearing one pieces, stuffing bundles, working, moving around a million miles an hour, the get togethers, the self motivated entreprenuer. Summer. Always a lot of need for outward progression in the present moment with outdoor activities till your sore in the legs, business ideas, the throwing of the bag when you come in the front door and spilling your closet out for the next activity. Bam. Good times. Then I woke up, one morning last week and I just felt myself sink into the bed. It wasn't necessarily exhaustion but more of a combination of that with solitude, reflection, and the feeling of being full and needing to spill something out before it exploded within me. I knew that the leaves changes had been occurring in the days preceding, but the shift to Fall in me happened right at that moment I peeled my eyes open.
Then came the deep thought into what I had been really up to since last Fall. The big goals that may have not have been completely reached took precedence over the many leaps and bounds I may have (probably) made. Along with that came disappointment and the grieving for the days gone by without all the miraculous evolution I had so optimistically predicted 1 year ago. I went there and I spent a few days there dwelling on all the little bits and pieces and I sherlocked holmes'd why all of these things were not at the edge of my fingertips. The outcome was pretty much what you would expect it to be....getting really sad, finally expressing it out loud at a ladies night, realizing then that I was kind of over it and then attempting to find pyhsical and spiritual activities to release it. This is when you dig the toes into your current life with a fierce motivation towards getting your ass up and going at it all again. Okay. Sounds fair enough.
Sometimes nothing you can do will break this solid grumpiness that can take over your whole existence. You try to throw all the emotional baggage out the window but it ends up attaching to your bumper anyways and dragging itself along with you through your day. What will fix it, you ask? Well I realized that going to the top of a really tall mountain at midnight dressed in a glow in the dark puffy vest and striped skin tight leggings with a mission to dance under the stars with 100 strangers until the light perfectly negotiates itself over the perfect outline of the mountains. We leaned on each others shoulders during those moments awaiting the warmth of the sun to embrace us and awaken our souls into a new day. It felt real, it felt true, we laughed at everything endlessly, & it felt like we were together in this. Whatever this is. We were in it together and that made everything feel okay.
“When you experience uncertainty, you are on the right path – so don’t give it up. You don’t need to have a complete and rigid idea of what you’ll be doing next week or next year, because if you have a very clear idea of what’s going to happen and you get rigidly attached to it, then you shut out the whole range of possibilities.”
- Deepak Chopra