Standing on the edge of every possibility that a woman could ever dream of. There is no end, there is no beginning. There is only what is in between which is up to me to create, manifest, participate in and progress within. My life is delicate right now, raw and always new. I feel within my body. Ready to instigate myself to do things and to live a life that feels brand new all while staying in the same place for awhile, mentally and physically.

The urge to create can be subtle or it can be strong. It may have been a source within me that finally woke up from a blessed slumber that sees that this urge has been penetrating me for awhile. May I take even the smallest steps to let this slumber turn into a slumber party with all of my best friends, some tools and parties of contagious ridiculous laughter . Realizing that there is no right or wrong way within your process. Nor is there necessarilly inspiration. Twyla Tharp tells us that art is less a form of our minds eye but more a formation of habit. Pick up your medium and create. Clear the clutter from your mind and dive in like the pool is a giant reflection of the sky and you are swimming in its endlessness. The more you indulge in the process the more things grow. May we all find room and time to cultivate these parts of us to grow.